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Holiday Party lounge area

Holiday Party 2019 - Bar

Lemonade Stand
1 of 5 themed lemonade stands created for Auction of Washington Wines - simple hinged facade holding 6' table.. Feel free to inquire about other photos of these if interested for your event.

Holiday Party lounge area
Oh, The Places We Can Go...
A German Christmas Village dinner, a casual country wedding, a luxurious Hawaiian dinner, a sensational Studio 54 disco party - these are the places my clients have allowed me to go.
Creating special props and staging pieces combined with creative use of decor help transform a space and capture a moment.
Working with caterers to create wonderful tablescapes, finding the perfect piece to complete a lounge area and yes, building just the right bar or table if I can't find what I want - this is the stuff I do...let's talk about it.
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